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When a Commercial Tenant Stops Paying Rent

 Posted on October 14, 2019 in Real Estate

Lake County real estate attorneyIf you are the owner of property that you lease to commercial tenants, you will almost certainly have to deal with lessees who fail to pay their rent on time. While you might offer grace periods or other ways to help your tenants, eventually, one or more of your tenants will probably reach a point where you start to wonder if they have stopped paying altogether. As a commercial landlord, there are a few things to consider and certain steps that you must take before you can begin the process of evicting a commercial tenant.

Reach Out and Talk

As with any human interaction, commercial leasing issues can often be resolved through open and honest communication. Maintaining open communication can catch small issues before they grow into major problems. If your tenant’s payment for the month is late, consider reaching out to find out what is happening. You could make a quick phone call, stop by the business, or even send a friendly text message asking if everything is ok, especially if your tenant has never had trouble paying on time before.

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What Are My Rights as a Renter When My Landlord Is Facing Foreclosure?

 Posted on October 07, 2019 in Foreclosure

Grayslake Real Estate AttorneysIf you are a homeowner, there is a good chance that you bought your home with a mortgage loan and that you make payments on your mortgage every month. If you are a renter, you make rental payments each month, but instead of making payments to a bank or lending institution, your rent goes directly to your landlord. Presumably, your landlord is using your payments to make payments of his or her own on the mortgage for the property in which you live.

You are most likely aware that failing to make your mortgage payments on a home that you own could result in foreclosure, with the bank seizing your home. Similarly, you know that failing to make your rental payments could result in eviction, with the landlord taking possession of his or her property. So, what happens when you make your rental payments each month but your landlord does not make his or her mortgage payments?

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Should I Purchase a Home Through a For Sale By Owner Transaction?

 Posted on September 30, 2019 in Real Estate

Lake County real estate attorneysWhen a person is looking to sell his or her home, he or she will usually enlist the help of a real estate broker to manage the deal. In some cases, however, a homeowner will forgo a broker and try to sell the home in a “for sale by owner” transaction, or a FSBO—pronounced “fizz-bo”—deal. If you are considering buying a FSBO property, you may be able to get great value for your money, but there are some risks that you should take into account.

Sharing the Workload

Real estate brokers are trained—and hired—to do much of the legwork involved in residential real estate transaction. In a FSBO situation, however, the owner will almost certainly not have the same level of experience or knowledge of the real estate world. This means that he or she might not provide you with all of the relevant information regarding the deal. While the oversight might be unintentional, you should be aware of it and be ready to take on some additional responsibilities in exchange for the lower price that is typically part of a FBSO purchase.

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Report Finds Foreclosures Dropping in Chicago and Nationwide

 Posted on September 20, 2019 in Arlington Heights Foreclosure Attorney

Lake County foreclosure lawyersThe real estate market is a complex combination of factors.  However, it generally reflects the overall economic health of the country. When the economy is healthy, the real estate market does well, but when economic growth slows, there is usually a corresponding slowdown in home sales and new mortgages. In such situations, foreclosures generally increase as well.

With all of this mind, a recent report indicates that the economy is likely to be doing well, as the number of properties in foreclosure around the country has dropped fairly substantially compared to the same time last year. In the greater Chicago area, defaults, foreclosure filings, and lender repossessions have also decreased.

A Look at the Numbers

Last month, ATTOM Data Solutions released the Midyear 2019 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report that tracked foreclosure activity throughout the United States for the first six months of 2019. The report found that just under 300,000 properties are in some stage of the foreclosure process, a drop of 18 percent compared to the mid-year report from 2019. This figure represents the lowest level of foreclosure activity in the last 12 years. The 2019 number is a staggering 82 percent decrease from the first half of 2010 in which 1.65 million properties had foreclosure filings.

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What Is a Strategic Default on a Residential Mortgage?

 Posted on September 13, 2019 in Foreclosure

Libertyville foreclosure defense attorneysIf you financed the purchase of your home with a mortgage loan, you probably signed what seemed to be mountains of paperwork. Buried in each document and hidden in confusing language were the terms and conditions of your loan and what would happen if you failed to make the required payments. Off the top of your head, you might not be able to recall all of the specific details, but you probably realize that if you do not keep up with your mortgage, the loan will go into default. If you stay in default for long enough, the lender will initiate foreclosure proceedings and eventually take your home.

With this in mind, it would seem that defaulting on your mortgage is something that should be avoided at all costs. In some situations, however, a strategic default could help you find a way out of a difficult situation.

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How Will Foreclosure Affect My Credit Score?

 Posted on September 06, 2019 in Foreclosure

Lake County foreclosure lawyersRegardless of who you are, how much money you have, and the types of property you own, the word “foreclosure” is likely to generate feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress. If you are struggling to make the mortgage payments on your family home, the idea of foreclosure is likely to be especially frightening.

Most people understand the basic steps of foreclosure, even if they do not know all of the details. In short, they know that the lender will eventually force a homeowner who is in default to leave the property. Then, the lender will reclaim possession of the home and attempt to sell it in an effort to recoup some of the losses incurred. What many people do not realize, however, is the effect that a foreclosure will have on the borrower’s credit score.

Your Credit Score

Your credit score is a statistical rating that lenders and other institutions use to evaluate how well you manage debt. Credit scores can range from 300 to 850, and higher scores indicate stronger creditworthiness. A credit score above 740 is considered to be “Very Good,” and above 800 is considered “Excellent.” Between 670 and 739 is “Good,” while 580 to 669 is “Fair.” Anything below 579 is considered “Poor.”

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What You Should Know About Buying an REO Property

 Posted on August 28, 2019 in Real Estate

Libertyville real estate attorneysIf you are looking to buy a home, you might have friends and family members suggesting that you should look into buying a foreclosure property. A foreclosure property is a piece of real estate that has been put up for sale by the bank after the original owner of the property failed to keep up with the mortgage payments.

Because a foreclosure sale is typically an auction, you could potentially get a great deal. But, what happens to homes that are foreclosed on and put up for sale at an auction but do not get sold? These properties revert back to the lender and become what are known as real estate-owned, or REO, properties.

Failed Foreclosure Auctions

When a lender seizes a home in foreclosure and puts it up for sale initially, the sale is usually conducted as a public auction. This means that the home will go to the highest bidder. In many cases, however, bidders do not get the chance to see or inspect the property before the auction. Additionally, the high bidder will normally be expected to pay for the property on the spot with cash or a certified check. Financing is available in certain situations, but most auctions sales are completed without it.

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Your Lender Could Owe You Money after Foreclosure

 Posted on August 19, 2019 in Foreclosure

Lake County foreclosure defense attorneysIf you are facing the possibility of foreclosure, you probably have many concerns. You are likely to be worried about the details of the foreclosure process in addition to more personal considerations such as where you are going to live and how you will repair your credit in the years to come. It is not unusual for homeowners in foreclosure to believe that they will be lucky to get through the proceedings without owing anything additional on their home. Depending on the circumstances of your situation, however, your lender might actually owe you money when everything is all said and done.

Balancing the Numbers

As a homeowner, you probably know that foreclosure is the process that a lender will use to reclaim your home if you fail to make your agreed-upon payments. During foreclosure, you will be given notice to vacate the property, and the home will be sold at a sheriff’s auction. The proceeds of the sale are then used by the lender to satisfy the remaining balance of the mortgage loan. What happens next will depend on the situation.

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Supreme Court Rules Foreclosure Lawyers Are Not Debt Collectors

 Posted on August 12, 2019 in Foreclosure

Lake County foreclosure defense attorneysIn the state of Illinois, foreclosure proceedings are handled entirely through the court system. Known as judicial foreclosure, the process is governed by the normal rules of civil procedure, just as any other civil lawsuit would be. In other states, non-judicial foreclosure is sometimes an option. A non-judicial foreclosure means that language in the mortgage agreement gives the lender the right to seize and sell the home in question if the borrower fails to make his or her payments.

While the primary difference between judicial and non-judicial foreclosure is whether or not the court is involved, this difference has led to other issues. For example, does a mortgage loan constitute traditional debt? What about the lawyers who represent the lenders during foreclosure? Are they considered to be debt collectors? Earlier this year, the United States Supreme Court weighed in on these exact questions in a case entitled Obduskey v. McCarthy Holthus LLP.

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Avoid These Common Mistakes If You Are Facing Foreclosure

 Posted on August 06, 2019 in Foreclosure

Libertyville foreclosure lawyerAs most people know, regardless of whether or not they have ever owned a home, foreclosure is the process that lenders use to reclaim a home from a borrower who has violated the terms of the mortgage loan agreement. The most common violation, by far, is the failure to make monthly payments as specified in the loan paperwork.

Foreclosure can be frightening, not to mention long and confusing for the average person, and it is easy to make mistakes when facing difficult circumstances. If you are seriously delinquent on your mortgage payments and foreclosure has become a possibility, you will want to avoid some common mistakes.

Mistake #1: Ignoring Letters and Calls From Your Lender

Under Illinois law, your lender cannot begin foreclosure proceedings until you are at least 120 days behind on your mortgage. In the meantime, your lender will probably start sending you letters and calling you to remind you that you are approaching default status. Taking these calls and responding to the letters will be uncomfortable, for sure, but ignoring them is not a good option. Your lender may have alternatives to foreclosure available that you would never learn about by avoiding their calls. In some cases, avoiding contact with your lender could even encourage the bank to push foreclosure proceedings along faster once you reach the 120-day point.

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